Swedish Minister of Enterprise and Innovation, Mikael Damberg, have initiated a new partnership between five industry associations in fashion, music, computer games, advertisements, film and television that is called Kreativ Sektor (Creative Sector) and this program is part of help securing Sweden’s competitiveness in creative industries.
For sure this is an important part of the Swedish Economy, besides the successful Spotify the American computer game company Activision Blizzard have offered a bid to buy the “Swedish” game developer King for almost 6 billion USD that have among other developed the game Candy Crush. We need our knowledge driven enterprises and we do need a comprehensive approach and a national strategy for the creative industries including a good export strategy, not only an exit strategy as we need to develop more creative job opportunities in Sweden.
The Association of Swedish Fashion Brands have released sales figures for the Swedish Fashion Industry and it has grown with some 11,4% last year and we continue to see good growth during 2015. In total the Swedish fashion industry will reach 31-33 billion euro in sales this year and export is growing with some 16-20%. Domestic sales are not growing that much so the main growth is on international markets and the fantastic growth of H&M is most likely a contributing part of this success story. According to the Association of Swedish Fashion Brands some 56.000 people or more are working inside the fashion industry in Sweden, about the same as in our Paper, Pulp and Forestry industry. In fashion 3 out of 4 are women and we see that in this industry many of the CEO and Board Members are women. Within fashion some 40% of top management are women when in rest of Swedish business society we see about 30%.
We are business consulting firm that work with both the commercial and legal side of international business. Contact us to get help with business match-making and sustainable partnerships with companies in Scandinavia. We can help you research and analyse this market but we can also be your partner and representative here helping you to establish and grow your business in either Scandinavia or other international markets.
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