Världens bästa kaffe kommer kanske från Afrika och nu får alla chansen att prova det absolut bästa från senaste skörden då African Fine Coffee Association (AFCA) kommer till Stockholm för att visa upp resultatet från AFCAs kvalitetsprogram Taste of Harvest men också för att lansera en ny internettjänst där producenter, exportörer, rosterier och kunder kan […]
Ecological food sales up 18% in Sweden but it could have been much better
New sales figures of Ecological food products has come out in Sweden for 2016 and sales or ecological (organic farmed and produced) products increased by some 18% in Sweden last year. Actually this is less then we expected and the best selling ecological food product is wine. Last year in Sweden the sales revenue for […]
It is about ecological and fair traded
We are a business consulting firm and work with international business development. Most of our work have been within high-tech but we also work with traditional retail and agricultural. Next week we will attend Inclusive Business Forum taking place in Stockholm on October 20th. We will listen to people talking about opportunities and challenges in […]
ECO grow your business in Europe
For a long time have been taught that ecological food is better than conventional produced food as conventional means that the producers have over the years used more and more pesticides and more fertilizers to create a more cost effective food production. Some researchers say the positive effect of organic (ecological) food and food production […]
Midsummer show how important ecological and fair trade has become in Sweden
Midsummer shopping shows us how important ecological and fair traded goods are to consumers in Scandinavia. Tomorrow we here in Sweden will celebrate Midsummer, a very important holiday that are included mention in early Icelandic (Viking) tales but also written about by the priest and diplomat Olaus Magnus in 1555 as he describes this holiday […]