Home care is important both to provide comfort, quality but also cost efficient healthcare. Nordisk Hem & LSS Assistans is a Swedish service provider of home care for those who need extra support and help to cope with everyday life. LSS in Sweden is short for the Swedish Act on Support and Service for the disabled and give those who need special help correct for this extra help. Healthcare and Assistance Company has in many cases become large corporations with all that implies with centralization and big corporations use.
What distinguishes Nordisk Hem & LSS Assistans from others is that it focuses more on customizing their organization key words are not to save and earn, but to listen and adapt. Our assignment has been to help them with management and business development and they are well on their way to become a medium size Home Care provider with several offices in Sweden.
For information about Nordisk Hem & LSS Assstans visit their website www.nordiskassistans.se. For information about our current projects, email us at